Rates & Range Rules

Current RATES
Firearm Lane Rental- Non-Member $20 per hour†
Extra Shooter on a Lane (only 3 people per lane) $8 per hour†
TechnoHunt Rental
(1-2 people)
$14. per person per hour†
*half-hour rate available
TechnoHunt Rental
(3-4 people)
$12 per person per hour†
*half-hour rate available
5 Hour Punch Card $100 On SALE! $85!!†
Gun Rentals*
* Use as many rental guns per hour as you wish of the same caliber. Must use range ammo.
$10 per hour†
Annual Memberships
Individual $250†
Family**Includes Spouse and all children under the age 21. $350†
Law Enforcement/Military*
*Active or Retired
Ask us about special pricing for groups and parties.† Idaho sales tax already included in prices


Please read each of the rules carefully.


2. All Federal, State and Local laws must be obeyed.

3. Owners of Class III (full automatic) firearms must be in possession of all special permits and/or paperwork required by law. Must be able to actually handle firing them.

4. Food, beverages, and smoking are prohibited on the range. (Smoking is prohibited throughout the building.

5. Consult a doctor first if you are pregnant.

6. No actual black powder firearms may be fired on the Range.

7. All calibers of pistols may be fired.

8. Center fire rifles less than 50 calibers and less than 3500 FPS may be fired on the range with prior arrangements made with the Range operators. Special fees may apply.

9. Shotgun slugs may be fired. No buckshot or bird shot may be fired unless authorized by the Range Operators for a specific course.

10. Tracer, armor piercing, and steel core/jacketed ammunition are prohibited.

11. Commands issued by Range operators must be obeyed immediately without question.

12. When the command Cease Fire is given stop shooting IMMEDIATELY.

Remove your finger from the trigger, Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, Wait for further instructions from the Range operators.

13. No one may go forward of the firing line.

14. Use the appropriate size target, placed at eye level, to ensure that your shots strike the backstop, not the floor, ceiling or target holder. Firing a shot on the Range that results in the bullet striking anything other than the target and/or backstop will result in a damage/repair fine of $10. Repeat offenses may result in your removal.

15. Do not crossfire at other targets in other lanes!

16. If you are going to draw from a holster and fire, you must: Get prior approval from range staff. Then lower the shooting table in the shooting booth, stay within the shooting booth at all times while the table is down, Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

17. Only belt holsters, placed on the same hip as the shooting hand, may be used on the Range. Shoulder holsters and cross-draw holsters may not be used unless authorized.

18. You may collect your own brass that is behind the firing line. Brass from other shooters and all brass that falls in front of the firing line may not be collected unless  authorized by the Range operators.

19. Competitions held on the Range will be conducted in accordance with the rules of the sanctioning body of the match.

20. Always wash your hands and face immediately after shooting and/or cleaning your firearm. Lead removal wipes are available in the pass-through and sinks are located in the restrooms.

21. Range operators reserve the right to inspect any firearms or ammunition for safety.

22. Range operators reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Anyone who appears to be under the influence of any substance or who may be acting in an unsafe or disruptive manner will be refused service.

23. When entering the range pass-through, please allow the first door to close before opening the entrance to the shooting area. This keeps range noise out of the lobby.

24. Diamondback Shooting Range has a basic policy that is the cornerstone of our safety guarantee to you and your family. No customer is allowed to handle a loaded firearmexcept when they are on the range and at their assigned shooting position.

25. All shooters will obey the basic tenets of firearms safety:

    1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded.
    2. Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot.
    3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you are ready to shoot.
    4. Know your target and the backstop beyond.